Monday, May 10, 2010

Enviormental issues is the topic I have decided to investigate.

poor little bear:(


Marlin and dory!!


You, Me, and the Enviorment

Today, there are many things that are harming the planet that we, the habitants of this beautiful Earth, don't pay attention to. Global warming has gotten our attention lately. Global warming is when the earth heats up. It heats up when greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat here on the earth's surface, causing it to heat up. You may not have known this, but many people, animals, and plants die because they can't handle or live with the change. Global warming causes the seas to rise. When this happens, the water covers the islands. This causes problems for the animals and people living on the island.
See more more information here!

You may ask yourself, well how does this connect the whole world? Well it's simple. "Global" involves the whole world. Even though we all live in different countries, we still live on the same planet. And everything we do effects it. The reason we need international cooperation for this issue, is because if one country is very enviormental and they recyle and try their best to keep their land clean, but another country is just letting trash get thrown around and they waste water, they are bascially working against each other. That won't get us anywhere, We need everyone on one team, one side, to get this planet back to health. If we don't, were looking at the end of the world.

There are many little things we the people of Earth can do to help keep Earth clean. Things like recycling. Just put your plastic containders, news papers, papers that are no longer useful, and cardboard boxes (cereal boxes). Also, for all of the bottled water lovers, when you finish a bottle, instead of throwng it away and getting another bottle, refill the one you already have and just put in the fridge and drink it when its cold again! Stop killing trees! But, if you insist on getting another bottle, at least recycle the other bottle. Another thing you can do is NOT WASTE WATER. A few things you can do are, turn the water off while brushing your teethe instead of letting the faucet run. When scrubbing your dishes turn the water off. When in the shower, decrease the time. And for all the people out there who take two showers a day, stop! Unless you smell like a hobo or something, there's absolutely no need for two stinking showers a day! It's that simple! Also to save energy, walk or ride your bike instead of driving everywhere. There are people who are so lazy, when going just down the street, they have to drive. Just walk, excercise is a good thing people! Another thing that can be done is for people to unplug the cell phone charger after your phone is charged. Don't let your phone just sit on the charger all day. All of these things are what a lot people aren't doing. If we just put effort into doing all of these things its astonishing how much of a difference it would make.
Here is a list of fifty things you can do to help stop global warming

There are many groups and organizations trying to help fight global warming. There is one that i want to focus on. It's a virtual march to stop global warming. This organization is demanding that our leaders reduce carbon dioxide emissions now. They are and online organization using the internet to spread awareness of this international issue. So far, 1,371,371 people are members of this organization, which says a lot. I am a member of this movement as of yesterday. It is free, they just need your name, email, city, and state. It is safe. Your information is protected. These people need our help and cooperation and just by joining this march, you are helping so much. If our leaders see how many people have chosen to stand against this issue, they might give in and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Join here and(or) learn more about the group.

Last, I would like to discuss the number 1 country who is the biggest greenhouse gas contributor. Even though the U.S makes up 5% of the worlds population, it gives 25% of emissions into the atmosphere. This tells us that our government needs to do more to fight global warming. The US hasn't signed any bills to cut global warming, this tells us that our government isn't taking on full responsibility for our contributions to this crisis.
Found out more here
While I was doing research on this issue, I that other countries are taking this as seriously as organizations here in America do. In Australia there is a yearly walk-a-thon called, Walk Against Warming. This is a yearly event. It happens every year on December 12 in Copenhagen. As another way to support the casue, every person participating wears sky blue laces on their shoes. Even though this walk in all the way in Copenhagen, it feels good to know that were not alone in this battle and that other countries are taking this as seriously as we are.

I've learned that leaders in my nation of the world face complex problems that they feel cannot be solved without international action or cooperation.

kids in morrocco
After doing research on the country of Morocco and hearing about other countries as well, it makes me feel so grateful to live in the US. Morocco has many economic issues its crazy. Morocco has a very low population. This isn’t good for a community because in order to have jobs where people grow food and make clothes and things like that, you need people for those jobs. And also for reproduction. They need more children so that way they have a generation to carry on the country. International cooperation would be great because the more people that know about this country and its economic growth issues, the better. That way more people can come and live their and more people can take over jobs and keep the economy at a good position.

I understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed through analysis of primary sources of many kinds.

In this post, I will be discussing primary sources and the importance of them. So what exactly is a primary source you may ask? Well it's an original document of an event; this proves the event to be true. For example, WWI, a primary source of WWI would be a letter from a soldier or an artifact, like a helmet. Primary sources provide us with a lot of knowledge of an event. A letter from a soldier could give you a clear image in your mind of what was happening to that soldier. Primary sources just give us a physical evidence of a historical event, it proves to us that the event was real and it really happened, it wasn't made up.

My Virtual Museum!

This is a Tiger Beer advertisement from 1933.
This teches us that there were beer advertisemtns back then. This picture came from a Malasian archive which makes it trustworthy to me.


This is a picture of a Cuban anti-imperialism rally.This shows us that not everyone was for Imperialism and how people fought it. This is a trustworthy source because it came from a fine art website which I checked out and is trustworthy.


This is artwork/advertisement against Imperialism. This shows us the tension between countries in a way. It shows how Iraq was against Imperialism. This source is trustworthy because it as well came from an artwork site. It seemed trustworthy.

This is a letter sent from a soldier in ww1 to his mother and father.

This is a knowledgeable source because it gives us a view of what letters in that time looked like. This source came from a website that was dedicated to artifacts and letters and such from WW1, which made it a trustworthy source in my book.:)

I have become more knowledgeable about the world..

Invisible children
Current Events/ Global Issues
This semester in world history 2, we did research and learned about a couple of new countries. Japan, where we did research on different aspects of the Japanese and their culture and the second country was our choice. I chose Morocco. We also learned about Uganda which is a country in Africa. I did research on traditional weddings in Japan. I was very interested in how they do their weddings there and it interested me how different they were from American weddings. Japanese weddings are much more traditional then American weddings. For example, in the traditional Japanese wedding, there are different things that they do that symbolize certain things. Like, when the couple drinks the sake, or rice wine. And then they offer thanks to the kami which are Shinto gods. This is different from American weddings because we usually have just vows and "I dos" and that’s it and occasionally someone will have a unity candle ceremony. Plus, Japanese weddings are very expensive! The bride will usually have at least three different dresses to change into between the time of the wedding and reception.
Next is Morocco. We all did projects on different countries of our choice. I chose Morocco, honestly because of its beauty. Once I did more research though, I began to be not only interested in its beauty, but also its culture. I was actually kind of humored in it. Why you may ask? Well one of the common things in Moroccan culture is when going to a poor home, you must bring a live chicken to show respect. That made me laugh. A few more things to know about their culture would be: Before entering a Moroccan home, you must take your shoes off. When going to a higher class home in the city, it shows respect and is polite to bring bread and pastries. Moroccans are well known for their hospitality. Which is different from our culture in America we aren't the most friendly people all of the time and I don’t think anyone would be okay with you showing up at their house with a live chicken. But I also learned that Morocco has a low population. And needs more people there so those people can take over jobs and get the economy back in order. Last, but not least, Uganda. When we were learning about Uganda, I was hurt when I found out all that was happening over there! You see, Uganda is in Africa. And there is this guy named Joseph Kony, who thought he'd be the cool guy, and try and overthrow the government. Obviously that didn't work. So he fled to the jungle. When children walked through the jungle, he abducted them. Then turned all of the children into soldiers. Those children then go to towns and abduct other children or slaughter them if they don't cooperate. Some children or people who get in the way have body parts cut off. These children are only taught to eat, sleep, and kill. When I say children are abducted, I mean mostly boys. Girls are sometimes abducted, and used as prostitutes. It breaks my heart to hear about what is happening there. I’m so thankful nothing like that would ever happen in America.

ww1 pic

History of the Twentieth Century

The twentieth century was filled with a good bit of events. For example, the New Imperialism. The New imperialism is when countries such as Japan and even the United States, were basically in competition for territories all over. This sparked WWI. It's a shame something as goofy as that cause many, many, men to die in war. Something we learned that happened to the men in WWI, when they were shot in the face at war, they of course had pretty messed up faces after that. So they had these sculptor artist people that used clay to reconstruct their faces and they put the mask on the soldier's face to hide the scars and such. Also there were many new inventions being created, such as the airplane, which was invented by the Wright brothers. This was used in WWI. Also: the automobile created by Henry Ford, the gas mask created by Garret Morgan, the radio, created by Nikola Tesla, nuclear bombs, created by Ernest Rutheford. There are many more inventions as well, but too many to list. As you can tell most of these weapons were used in the WWI, like the airplanes to drop the bombs, the nuclear bombs, gas masks to help the soldiers breathe. There were also diseases that were very popular in the twentieth century as well. Such as Influenza, mumps, measles, hepititus A, and hepatitis B. There were many others, the number of deaths from these diseases just added on to the ones from the war.

hispanic kids

Human Diversity
This semester we did a race quiz where we had to match people to a race that we thought they were in. I learned that looks are so deceiving. I only got about three matches right. The rest were wrong! I learned that just because a man is completely white, doesn't necessarily mean that he is not Hispanic or Asian. The only way you could know is if you ask. Because when I was taking that quiz I though it was obvious which person belonged to which race.

mount everest

Places I've Been

I have learned about many places on earth this semester. Like, Mount Everest. It is the highest mountain on earth above sea level. This Mountain is part of the Himalaya range in Asia; It's located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the top of the summit on May 29, 1953. Many people have died trying to climb this mountain which somehow makes it more of a thrill to climb. Some people thrive on that kind of adrenaline. Many people since Edmund and Tenzing have reached the summit.

Japan pic

Cultures of the World's Socities

This semester we learned about the cultures of the countries of our choice. For me it was Japan and Morocco. In the Japanese culture, they are much more particular about the way they do things. For example, people here in America would be close when talking. So that way, you know, so they can hear each other better. Well in the Japanese culture it's considered rude. They feel that your how we would say it "all up in their grill." They also eat many different types of foods then we do. Morocco has a more laid back culture. They aren't as strict. They are quite friendly and loving people. They have a lot of hospitality. The only thing that is different between our culture and theirs is that they have different foods. And in their culture, when visiting a home, you must bring a gift. Like when visiting a poor house, bring a live chicken. When visiting a house in the city, bring pastries or bread. But other than that, not much of a difference

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This article was interesting. It was interesting by how descriptive it was. Even though this wasnt the point to this article, im still stuck on the fact about how sad it is that these children are being abducted and being trained to kill. Maybe its a good thing they are going after one of the most wanted criminals in the world. Atleast he'll be, dead? But anyway, what these kids are trained to do is starteling! They cut off people's ears and lips? Ouchies! And i thought a papercut hurt. Im just superglad I live in America.